Showing 13-21 of 21 item(s)
Lista de ingredientesCarne de cerdo, sal, pimentón dulce, preparado (azúcar (dextrosa), dextrina blanca, proteína cárnica, sal, estabilizantes: E-450, E-452i, antioxidante: E-301, colorante: E-120, conservadores: E-252, E-250), pimentón dulce, ajo y pimentón picante. Tripa natural.Aspecto - Consistencia firme y compacta al tacto; forma cilíndrica, de...
Lista de ingredientesCarne de cerdo, sal, pimentón dulce, preparado (azúcar (dextrosa), dextrina blanca, proteína cárnica, sal, estabilizantes: E-450, E-452i, antioxidante: E-301, colorante: E-120, conservadores: E-252, E-250), pimentón dulce, ajo y pimentón picante. Tripa natural.Aspecto - Consistencia firme y compacta al tacto; forma cilíndrica, de...
List of ingredients Pork, salt, starch, milk protein, spices (pepper, nutmeg), dextrose, stabilizers: E-450, E-452, antioxidants: E-331, E-301 and preservatives: E-250, E -252. Natural casing. Appearance - Cylindrical shape. Rough appearance outdoors. Homogeneous, smooth and well linked cut Clear differentiation between meat fragments.Texture - Firm and...
List of ingredients Pork, salt, starch, milk protein, spices (pepper, nutmeg), dextrose, stabilizers: E-450, E-452, antioxidants: E-331, E-301 and preservatives: E-250, E -252. Natural casing. Appearance - Cylindrical shape. Rough appearance outdoors. Homogeneous, smooth and well linked cut Clear differentiation between meat fragments.Texture - Firm and...